Published on August 25, 2006 By Fourth Letter In WinCustomize Site Issues
I have just uploaded a new user picture for my user page and a new AV icon but they don't seem to be showing up am i missing something ?
Thanks in advance
on Aug 25, 2006
User picture is working in your profile. Avatar is visible in this thread. If you still can't see them, try cleaning your cache.
on Aug 25, 2006
I've heard that naming it the same thing can cause issues. Rename it and try again if clearing your cache doesn't help.
on Aug 26, 2006
well., today i try to upload a jpg image as my personal foto, but i get an error page...
on Aug 26, 2006
For all user Avatar and Pic uploads, try the link below. Just sign in using your WC logon and then go to your account there to change the Avatar or Pic.
